ISLA Volunteers
ISLA's Volunteer Program offers opportunities for college students, high school students and community members to practice their Spanish skills. Our volunteers immerse themselves in Hispanic/Latin American language and culture while sharing academic expertise and personal interests with ISLA students and families.
ISLA currently works with the APPLES Program at UNC-Chapel Hill, the Durham Volunteer Center, Duke University, Durham Technical Community College, and Chapel Hill-Carrboro High Schools. ISLA volunteers participate and get involved in the Spanish-speaking community in many different ways.
Current positions include: Classroom Assistant, Hora de Español Assistant, Fundraising Committee Member, Photographer, Translator, and Social Media Manager.
Please fill out the volunteer application to let us know you are interested. If you have other ideas about how you would like to volunteer with ISLA, we would love to hear from you!
Contact ISLA's Volunteer Coordinator at volunteers@laislaschool.org or call (919) 265-7692 for more information.