ISLA Padres

ISLA Padres helps Hispanic/Latino/x parents access resources and information to raise their students, particularly resources for navigating the education system in order to work towards an equitable society.

Why our Programs make an Impact?

ISLA Padres works on reducing the historic gaps that parents in our community have faced when advocating for their children. These programs are designed to help lessen academic opportunity gaps between Hispanic/Latino/x students (or should we say communities??) and their non-Hispanic/Latino/x counterparts. We want our families to feel heard and to let them know that they are important to us. These programs (Padres con Voz, Padres con Voz Lideres, Padres investigadores, and Recursos Para Padres) also help promote community and leadership among Hispanic/Latino/x parents.

There are the 4 programs that ISLA currently offers

Is an entry level  9-week program where parents meet once a week. This program is open to the entire community and lasts for a semester.


Is an extension from Padres con Voz. It is a support network where participants share their children’s challenges, collaborate to explore avenues of support they need from ISLA, and develop a work plan to achieve their goals.

Is a program where members of the Hispanic/Latino community are trained to do research to find barriers they face in accessing different resources.


Is a community-based participatory research that is training 5 parents to participate in research and creating an information and advocacy program on learning differences based on the experiences of researching parents of children with learning differences in the Hispanic/Latin0/x community.


We offer different workshops and information for parents of children 0-18 years old and for our families who are already part of ISLA during the school year. This program supports parents by offering information on different resources for the community and providing information and access to different resources as a way to give back to the community.

Among other organizations, at ISLA we are very clear about the mission we have of empowering and listening to its needs, which is why we have created this series of programs aimed at parents in our Hispanic/Latino community. At ISLA, parents come together to discuss their visions, needs, and expectations. These programs meet throughout the year. On occasion, we have guest speakers who share information on topics of interest to parents. In the past we have hosted dentists, school psychologists, social workers, school counselors, and a Spanish-speaking immigration attorney. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Alejandra Sandoval, ISLA’s Policy Research & Advocacy Manager at